It is often said that something magnificent can be found in the most obscure place. Growing up in the gang-infested projects of Brooklyn, Howard Stephen Berg found that the safest place in the neighborhood was the library. A place where gangs wouldn’t be caught dead but also one that allowed Howard to develop a college reading level at age 11. At 17, Howard attended the State University of NY at Binghamton and majored in Biology. During his senior year, he completed a four-year Psychology program, while simultaneously working 3 jobs, and scored an 800 on the Biology GRE placing him in the 99% percentile, in the world, for graduating biologists.
Today, Howard is the Executive Director of Berg Learning Systems and has been enlightening others about accelerated learning for 35 years, and also spent 10 years in NYC’s inner-city schools . Afterwards Howard started his own school and sought to understand and solve the learning issues that exist. Students as young as 11 were acing college-level courses, in as little as a week, and writing 28-page MLM cited reports at a graduate school level in just four hours!
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused a shutdown for the majority of the world, Howard trained the Royal Thai Army in Bangkok, the U.S. Special Forces at Fort Bragg, and had worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies, associations, and educational institutions spanning the globe. After reading over 30,000 books, he started looking for a way to turn America’s energy green, put people back to work, and eliminate the enormous national deficit. Miraculously, he found a solution.
Howard, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for speed reading, and can read 25,000 words per minute, discovered that in Iceland 99.99% of electricity is generated using renewable energy with a substantial percentage coming from geothermal energy. Approximately 85% of all houses in Iceland are heated with geothermal energy. Due to the geological location of Iceland, a large number of volcanoes in the area is often an advantage for the generation of geothermal energy, which is the heating and making of electricity. Another fact is, in Iceland, geothermal power enables higher living standards, lower heating costs, and even less pollution. This profound realization posed the question, “How could this form of energy be used in America?” After further research, Howard realized that Yellowstone National Park contained one of the world’s largest super-volcanoes, and plenty of water needed for geothermal, pollution-free energy.
Howard then realized that the natural gas, oil, and coal industries could invest in building geothermal plants as a new source of revenue, turning Green Energy into a revenue creator, and not competition. Moreover, the people losing jobs in these industries could be trained to build and maintain the necessary infrastructure at Yellowstone National Park. Paying off the national debt? According to Howard, it’s all part of the plan! By charging a usage fee for the electricity generated on the federally owned land, at Yellowstone, these fees would go towards paying off the debt.
As a result of reading, studying, and researching for decades, Howard has made these tremendous discoveries that would enable the U.S. to go green, create hundreds of thousands of desperately needed jobs for the many who have been laid off due to Covid-19, or otherwise, and pay off the exploding national debt all at the same time! He attributes his learning efforts as being the sole vehicle that empowered his ability to develop these long-desired solutions. With his dozens of tools that are proven to effectively increase reading and learning abilities, the Berg Learning programs are designed to grant business professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and advanced leaders with the same power to solve problems in their business, or for students to find success academically.
Berg Learning includes programs on reading, writing, memory, and math and arm individuals with strategies to accelerate their learning in a profound way. And quite possibly they could be the segue to a new era of unity across America.
Howard Stephen Berg is a best-selling author, and has an extensive background in science. At 17, Howard attended the State University of NY at Binghamton and majored in Biology. During his senior year, he completed a four-year Psychology program, while simultaneously working 3 jobs, and scored an 800 on the Biology GRE placing him in the 99% percentile, in the world, for graduating biologists.
Berg has 50 years of experience in education, training, and public speaking. He is the Executive Director of Howard Stephen Berg Learning Systems where his programs offer advanced learning skills to students, career professionals and entrepreneurs looking to further their education faster and provide better solutions for their businesses, communities, students and the world. Berg boasts an unbelievable ability to read 25,000 words per minute and was requested by Barron’s Books, industry leader for more than 80 years providing books and practice tests for over 145 exams, to write Speed Reading The Easy Way, and Nightingale Conant, world leader in personal development audio and video programs, has sold over $65 million in Berg’s audio program making it the top grossing self-help program in an infomercial.