Walt Wilson discusses the key elements that deplete retirement assets:
- Taxation
- Depreciation
- Inflation
- Government Regulation
- Volatility
Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: http://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-charles-walt-wilson-retirement-strategist-discussing-permanent-life-insurance-strategy-for-stretching-your-retirement-funds/
Several strategies can be used to make retirement funds last longer. One such method is to use permanent life insurance to supplement income.
Permanent life insurance policies have a death benefit paid out to beneficiaries upon death. This death benefit can help cover expenses such as funeral costs and outstanding debts, or it can provide a financial cushion for your loved ones.
In addition to the death benefit, permanent life insurance policies also have a cash value component. This cash value grows tax-deferred and can be accessed via policy loans or withdrawals. The money withdrawn from the policy’s cash value is not subject to income tax. This makes permanent life insurance an attractive option for those looking for a way to supplement their retirement income. Policy loans can be used to cover expenses such as travel, healthcare costs, or even just day-to-day living expenses. When structured properly, a permanent life insurance policy can be a valuable tool for stretching retirement funds.
Walt explained, “How many opportunities have simply passed you by because you were not aware of them”? Awareness of these opportunities could be right in front of you. These opportunities are so critical to your financial future that I feel I have an obligation to discuss them with you. I would like to congratulate you on making some of the decisions you have made in your life. Your decisions were made on information that you had at the time. Today, if you were given more knowledge to re-evaluate some of your past decisions, would you? A conversation over the phone will help you understand current economic trends and shifts at this time.”
About Walt Wilson
Charles “Walt” Wilson established his company over ten years ago, to assist individuals and businesses in planning for retirement and building consistent growth while protecting their principal and providing certainty, clarity, and guarantees.
Private Pension by Design informs and educates individuals and businesses about an alternative concept in planning for retirement. You should have the freedom to design a plan which you control – one that provides tax advantages, gives you access to your money without penalties, guarantees you a reasonable return, and provides lifetime income for retirement. He has over 50 years in the financial services industry.
Learn More: https://www.privatepensionbydesign.com/
Private Pension by Design is not recommending tax advice and we suggest you contact your professional and licensed CPA or Tax Attorney for tax advice.
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