Trained in architectural studies at a prestigious university, David Muniz Supple was educated along traditional Western lines concerning Classical Architecture as is done at any typical Ivy League school: Africa built the Pyramids, and the Greeks were by and largely responsible for all other aesthetic and practical elements found in today’s built environment. That’s the story.
Or is it…
David was initially arrested by a compelling African visual of female Pharoah Hatshepsut’s tomb with full colonnade – dating 1,000 years before the advent of “Classical” architecture.
The opposite of an academic text, Muniz Supple does not tell you what to believe or assert a dogmatic truth but rather takes the reader through a compelling visual narrative with many original photographs taken by his creative team in northern Africa. This eye-opening journey is the beginning of a subject that David explores in his next book, Restoring Africa’s Legacy of Creation. The aim of this series is to shine a light on hidden truths in the field of architecture, thus opening the door to further discoveries while inspiring creativity and unity in the world. The goal is to lay a foundation of truth and fully recognize one of the greatest architectural legacies to grace this earth.
Author David Muniz Supple had the following to say: “This is my first book. It is the result of years of direct research and a real passion on my part to discover and understand the truth behind the development of the built environment. It is not the book I originally intended to write – it is what I found when I looked. The result is meaningful work that I truly hope will inspire and help others. It is a love letter to the universal power that is Architecture and a direct tribute to the creative legacy of Africa. It’s the result of personal research and a willingness to observe and see — separate from any preconceived ideas. Many intelligent and wonderful people have provided invaluable help, experience, and information – to them, I am immeasurably grateful. Advance copies of the e-book as a pre-release will be available at no cost on Monday, 3 October, in celebration of World Architecture Day.” Contact Information/how to obtain advance copies: Please reach out to david@designrootsafrica.com if you would like to request an advance copy of “Classical Architecture’s African Roots”
About: David Muniz Supple Bio/Background: David Muniz Supple is an author, humanitarian, founder, and CEO. A graduate of Tufts Architecture, David leads New England Design & Construction – one of Boston’s top luxury Architectural Design Build creative firms focusing on sustainable home design and construction. Winner of Best of Boston 2022 for Architectural Design Build as well as Modern Luxury Top 50 in Design, NEDC has been servicing clients across Boston and Metrowest since 2005. NEDC additionally invests heavily in community service and works closely with the GCode House and Room to Dream Foundation to change young lives across Boston.
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