Mindset coach Megan Mackenzie lost both her parents to suicide, but the devastating tragedy inspired her to help others heal and grow.
The 34-year-old mother-of-two, from New Hampshire in the United States, is the face of The Connected Woman. Her mission is to help women discover their worth, reach their full potential, and feel confident and empowered.
She does this through Hypnobreathwork, a cutting-edge therapy which combines the power of breathwork with hypnosis to help people overcome pain, addiction, anxiety, and issues with self-esteem. Megan knows from personal experience how powerful Hypnobreathwork is as it helped her heal after her father killed himself when she was just 12 and she lost her mother when she was 21 and pregnant with her first child.
Megan said: “People expected me to follow in the footsteps of my parents or for me to become depressed or an addict. But the experience gave me a purpose – I wanted to work with people and help them heal and grow.
“My mission is to help others learn how to believe in themselves again. I think that is enough to save the world.”
Megan initially started using reiki when she was grieving for her father and was introduced to it by the mother of a childhood friend. But once she discovered Hypnobreathwork, she realized it was exactly what she needed to release her traumas and change her negative thought patterns.
It has also allowed her to build her confidence, allowing her to overcome her doubts and her fear of public speaking.
Megan said: “I’ve been practicing Hypnobreathwork for a year and it has been the best year of my life. It has helped me change my perspective on my parents passing and now I feel something good has come from the tragedy.
“I feel like I have such a sense of purpose now and seeing other people’s transformations moves me every single time.”
Hypnobreathwork sessions use the three-part breath, often used as a grounding exercise in yoga. By changing the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body, people are then able to enter a trance-like state and access their subconscious mind.
Through The Connected Woman, Megan works with her clients, either in person or online, to unblock their subconscious and clear any negative emotions or thought patterns which are causing them pain or confusion. She then works on reprogramming their belief system and focusing on where they want to go, what they want to achieve, and what actions they will take to reach their goal.
To find out more about Megan Mackenzie and her work, visit www.meganlmackenzie.com and follow her on Instagram @the.connected.woman