Dr. Latrice Lawrence-H2H Wellness Centers Atlanta, GA

Inspired from the medical field to the human touch.

In today’s episode, Craig taps into the future of chiropractic care through the eyes of millennial Dr. Latrice Lawrence, Owner/Founder of H2H Wellness Centers. Dr. Latrice shares how technology has affected our posture and health and encourages listeners to seek alternatives to accompany traditional paths to health with a dose or two of Physiotherapy. Serving home executives, budding professionals, and our trendy millennial population Dr. Latrice challenges us all to BE more proactive in our health and wellness pursuit whether you trust her young energetic hands or not!

Atlanta’s 1st H2H Wellness Center is located at 1610 LaVista Road NE Suite 9, Atlanta, Georgia 30329. Stay tuned for a studio near you. Available on weekends as well!!


Neil Howe & Craig Williams

Neil Howe is a 3-time #1 Best Selling Author, Online Media Strategist, avid reader and recovering SEO expert. Neil Hosts Expert Profiles Atlanta, The Trust Factor Radio and Business Authority Radio interviewing leaders, professionals, and influencers locally and globally. Craig Williams was featured on NBC's "The Apprentice" with Donald Trump and is a successful serial entrepreneur/consultant.