Dr. Linda Abujaber-Ammari is a Holistic/Integrative Pediatrician and is the CEO of Global Parenting Initiatives and AskDrLinda.com a company dedicated to supporting parents in raising babies and children who thrive physically. Emotionally, mentally and Spiritually as they grow and thrive themselves. She has been publishing a weekly blog on raising healthy babies and families based on the questions she has been asked most frequently during her more than 30 years of practice as a Pediatrician and Holistic doctor.
Dr. Linda has been practicing medicine for over 30 years. She is Board Certified in General Pediatrics, Pediatric Infectious Diseases and in Integrative and Holistic Medicine. She is trained in Acupuncture, Pediatric Hypnosis, Reiki, Energy Medicine, Clinical Homeopathy, Grief Recovery. She is well versed in the use of herbs and supplements to keep you and your family healthy.
She helps parents of new babies learn the skills they need to confidently care for their newborn babies from birth to 3 months in her new book “SuperDad Formula: Dr. Linda’s Guide to Unleashing Your Inner Parenting Superpowers.” Book One for Zero-3 months.
To Learn More:
Linda Abujaber-Ammari
Website: AskDrLinda.com
Linkedin: Dr. Linda Abujaber-Ammari
Facebook: Askdoctorlinda@facebook.com
YouTube: AskDrLinda