Dr. Pamela Gerali was selected from over a hundred speakers and exhibitors to share her knowledge at the IANDS 2022 Conference in Salt Lake City. Her program was uniquely designed to assist others to discover and connect to their highest sacred awareness. During a two-hour interactive workshop, Dr. Gerali shared her own remarkable experience of integrating The Blueprint for the Human Spirit® through a life-altering experience of feeling sixteen past lives in a two-hour period. This spiritually transformative experience helped her embody the gifts from The Blueprint as well as help others with loving strength and compassion.
Through guided imagery, she guided participants through a meditative process to experience an archetype from The Blueprint for the Human Spirit®. After journaling about their experiences, participants shared their revelations. Dr. Gerali helped participants interpret what they learned by explaining four primary categories of archetypes’ parallel spiritual evolution, the Blueprint, and mythological interpretations. She also revealed how the Blueprint matrix can help people who have had extraordinary life-changing experiences to understand and integrate them into their everyday life.
“Dr. Gerali’s explanation of her Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE) will help many people as they integrate the changes that are occurring on our planet right now. Whether we are talking about Climate Change, financial changes or post pandemic issues, Pamela’s guidance through The Blueprint for the Human Spirit can help us navigate the current uncertainty with grace and ease.” shared IANDS Conference Exhibitor Coordinator, Kathy Mason.
A visionary and pioneer in spiritual growth and transformation, Dr. Pamela Gerali shares life-changing experiences and insights with clarity and humor. She captivates readers and audiences with wisdom and practical guidance from the Blueprint for the Human Spirit®, her holistic model for conscious, compassionate living. She is an architect for the human spirit. Pamela is a Registered Nurse with a master’s degree in Public Health and a Doctorate in Holistic Health Sciences. She is uniquely qualified to present teachings from the Blueprint since it evolved in harmony with her transformation.
She utilizes her creativity and amazing gifts to encourage others to live authentically and purposefully in alignment with their inner truth. Her transforming experiences and training background in nursing allow her to speak from the heart with authority. She is the best-selling author of “The Dance of Ego and Essence: Confessions of a Divine Diva” and “Embrace Your Divine Inner Diva: A 40-Day Journaling Exercise to Merge Ego and Essence.” To learn more about Dr. Pamela Gerali, go to https://drpamelagerali.com.
To learn more about Dr. Pamela Gerali’s workshop, go to https://conference.iands.org/2022-workshops/.