Interview with Zehra Mahoon -master mindset and law of attraction coach and manifesting expert.

She is the author of twelve books on these subjects and the creator of the Unlimited 40 day law of attraction workout and the Unlimited 365 Mastermind. After committing to completely transforming her self-worth in 2006, she went from being massively in debt to owning multiple properties and creating a thriving business, as well as healing her relationships.

Zehra’s books are based on a visual, diagrammatic approach to law of attraction. She breaks down complicated concepts into small bite size pieces linked to analogies that make them easy to remember and apply.

Zehra’s courses and programs helps individuals to identify the blockages that are keeping them from achieving success. She helps them to change their self-talk and develop new thinking habits that open up a world of new possibilities.

Zehra believes that all things are possible, and that you can start from where you are and create a better future once you start understanding how to use basic law of attraction concepts. She is committed to making it easy for you to understand and apply the law of attraction.

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Mike Saunders, MBA

Mike Saunders is the Authority Positioning Coach at Marketing Huddle, the author of Amazon Bestselling book Authority Selling™, Adjunct Marketing Professor at several Universities, contributor to The Huffington Post, and member of the Forbes Coaches Council – an invitation-only community for the World’s Most Influential Business Coaches.