Jairek Robbins – Live It: Achieve Success by Living with Purpose

In this interview with Jack, Jairek Robbins discusses his new book, Live It: Achieve Success by Living with Purpose.

A consummate achiever, Jairek was volunteering in a rural village in Uganda when he was taken ill with malaria. We won’t spoil the story, but the results changed his life forever and are responsible for impacting people around the world.

Jairek’s book centers on starting with creating and envisioning your ideal day which you can start living today. Certainly, this is much easier to do than envisioning your ideal life. We’ve always heard you should take one step at a time. Jairek helps us do just that – one day at a time.

He then helps you translate that knowledge into what eventually becomes your ideal life. The small steps become the pieces to putting the whole puzzle of your life together.

This is a fascinating and enlightening interview you won’t want to miss. It could make all the difference for the rest of your life.

Check out the book here