Jax Pro Pest Control, a leading pest control company in Mesa, Arizona is celebrating 10 years of dedicated service to Banner Hospitals in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Nora Wiseman, an owner of Jax Pro Pest Control, explains that the company serves as a commercial pest control partner for Banner and has been servicing several local Banner hospitals in the Phoenix area both inside and outside to prevent infestations of bugs of all kinds. “A hospital is a particular challenge when it comes to pest control. We’re dealing with all areas of the hospital; from the cafeteria to the emergency and operating rooms”, Wiseman continued. “The last thing a patient or administrator wants to see is an insect crawling around the hospital.”When asked about the difference in pest control treatments for a hospital versus a residence, Mrs. Wiseman explained, “The chemicals we use are safe and effective for both commercial and residential applications; even hospitals where health concerns are at their greatest.” “The treatment for hospitals is often on a more frequent schedule; usually monthly”, Wiseman said. “The same chemicals are used in the same concentrations”, she added. “When we have an area flare up with a problem, we will focus on that area more frequently until the problem is cleared up. Sometimes this means daily treatment.”Pest control companies in the United States are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates pesticides at the national level, while at the State level the Pest Management Division (PMD) licenses, educates, and regulates the pest management industry. The Pest Management Division in Arizona is guided by the Environmental Protection Agency regulations and state statutes and rules.One common treatment in hospitals is for bed bugs. Studies show that 1 in every 5 households in America is affected by bed bugs. Patients coming into the hospital can bring bed bugs in with them. Without properly addressing bed bugs, a hospital could quickly become infested with the blood-sucking creatures. “Speed of treatment is key. Hospital staff is trained to recognize when a patient comes into the hospital with bed bugs. As soon as they recognize a patient has bed bugs, Jax Pro Pest Control is notified and treatment begins usually within the hour”, Wiseman asserted.Jax Pro Pest Control has served residential and commercial pest control clients valley-wide for over 30 years. They treat all types of pests; ants, mosquitoes, scorpions, bees, crickets, roaches, rodents, and even weeds. For more information about Jax Pro Pest Control or their services, contact them through their website at https://JaxProPest.com or call them directly at 480-892-9563.
Location Info:
Jax Pro Pest Control
2351 S Signal Butte Rd #1104, Mesa, Arizona 85209
(480) 892-9563