Kevin Coffey, Founder, and CEO of Complete Spectrum Financial Services, Interviewed on Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast About His Unique Donation Fundraiser Program

Kevin Coffey, Founder, and CEO of Complete Spectrum Financial Services, Discusses His Approach to Helping His Clients with Financial Planning and Wealth Management.

During the interview, Kevin discusses how Complete Spectrum Financial Services takes a different approach to serving their community by focusing on financial literacy.  

Listen to the podcast interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network


The community is the center of Complete Spectrum Financial Services’ business. Through our Donation Program, we’ve donated over $300,000 to schools, sports teams, churches, and other Colorado-based organizations

In fact, Kevin explained that, “There are several ways for organizations to raise money and do fundraising they typically are the same ones that are done year after year but we have created a tried and true proven program that is unique and fresh and provides great results for the organization as well as their audience.”


Kevin Coffey grew up in North Denver and is a native of Colorado. His company is built on old fashion values, which he learned from his grandparents, Flory Iacovetto & Rose Lombardi, who taught him that client satisfaction should mean more than earning money or increasing a company’s stock price. In addition, Kevin was inspired by his father, David Coffey, who taught him that hard work and honesty were the key elements to building a successful business. Kevin is very grateful to his clients and representatives who have placed trust in his recommendations and leadership. He graduated high school from Holy Family, and college from Colorado State University. Mr. Coffey has been helping people sleep better at night since 1991 by helping them answer difficult questions like: How can I pay for my child’s college education with as little out-of-pocket money as possible? What age can I retire? Can I live the lifestyle I want without outliving my money? What is the best way to leave tax-free money to my children, grandchildren, or a charity? How much money can I withdraw from my retirement accounts without running out of money?


Learn more about Complete Spectrum Financial Services by tuning in for the interview available on iTunes, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, and the Business Innovators Radio Network.

To get more information,  call (303) 922-4309 or visit Complete Spectrum Financial Services



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