LM Stamper, Managing Director with Evermore Wealth, Interviewed on Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing Retirement Planning for Women

Stamp says, ” We believe everyone should be able to live the retirement they’ve always wanted. Our team of professionals can help you create a well-thought-out strategy, using a variety of strategies and services, designed to help you address your financial needs and concerns.”

Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network   


Stamp continued, ” Our firm specializes in helping individuals develop sound retirement strategies. Our goal is to help you take the mystery out of investing, insurance, estate conservation, and preserving wealth so you can focus on what matters most to you.”

They accomplish this by addressing financial needs, including:

  • Income planning so you don’t run out of money
  • Organization of your complete financial picture in one easy-to-find area
  • Addressing market volatility within your investments
  • Creating tax-conscience plans
  • Helping find ways to pay for life insurance, long-term care, and healthcare expenses
  • Establishing an advisor relationship for the surviving spouse
  • Providing solutions to efficiently pass down assets to heirs

With their personalized, hands-on service, their clients are guided toward building their ideal financial futures.


LM Stamper

LM Stamper’s (“Stamp”) mission is to help educate the general public about the laws of money so they can make better, more informed decisions regarding their finances.

Stamp received his degree in Management Information Systems with a minor in Business from Texas Tech University and went on to study at The American College for Financial Services. Stamp has won various awards for accomplishments in the education and implementation of financial strategies for his clients, as well as for the development of new advisors.

Stamp oversees a successful team of financial advisors at his Fort Worth office, mentoring and assisting with client interaction and plan development. He is also The Living Balance Sheet® go-to person and trainer for his office. Using a powerful model that begins with education first, Stamp helps his clients move toward a position of financial independence in their lives. His value to the public lies in his desire to educate his clients first and to help provide them with the appropriate financial tools they need to achieve proper financial balance.

Stamp grew up as an Army brat, traveling the world with his family from Los Angeles, to Lubbock, to Austin, to Germany.

He’s thankful to have seen what the world has to offer and now proudly makes Texas his home with his beautiful wife and daughter.

In his spare time, Stamp can be found painting, enjoying good movies, cooking, listening to music, watching sports and mentoring his Little Brother via the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Still, his favorite activity outside of the office is fantasy football I. He’s the commissioner of his league with good friends of over 25 years, and he says it never seems to get old.

Learn More: https://www.LMStamper.com/ 


Registered Representative and Financial Advisor of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS), 3040 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 1150 Houston, Texas 77056. Securities products and services are offered through Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). PAS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Guardian. Guardian and PAS are located at 10 Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001. Important Disclosures 2019-89388 Exp. 11/21. LMStamper.com is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. Evermore Wealth is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. PAS is a member FINRA, SIPC.