NeNe Ekufu – Tame The Inner Critic and Build Confidence Through Self-Love Habits

In this episode, Jack talks with Self-Love and Confidence Coach Nene Kufu.

Confidence, it’s one of the most powerful characteristics when it comes to how you are perceived by others. And inversely, a lack of confidence can be one of the biggest obstacles to achieving your true potential.

One of the most common and strongest barriers to developing self-confidence is having to face your own inner critic. That voice in your head telling you that you’re not good enough. The worrying about what others think of you. It can be overwhelming.

Nene Ekufu is a Self-Love and Confidence Coach, as well as an international speaker who works with reserved women, to help them become more confident to show up and be authentic by taming the voice in their heads and empowering them to believe in their capabilities and step into their own fulfilling life … on their terms.

Nene is also the creator of the 21 Days Self-Love Habit Builder Course that helps you develop self-love habits and the right mindset, using proven practical tools and techniques.

Whether she is working one-on-one, with groups or delivering workshops, Nene guides her ladies to clarify what they want: to reconnect with the core of their inner being and beyond.

To learn more about Nene and connect with her on social media visit