Nina Acosta discusses how she helps female entrepreneurs reclaim their power and confidence.
Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network:
Nina explained, “If you’re like most people, you probably want to be your most authentic self. But what does that mean? Being your authentic self means being true to who you are, even if it’s not who others want you to be. It means being honest with yourself and living a life that is authentic to you. It can be challenging to be your authentic self all the time, especially if you feel like you have to put up a front for other people. But it’s important to remember that you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. You can be your authentic self around everyone, no matter who they are.”
Acosta continued, “Being your authentic self can be challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. When you’re true to yourself, you’ll feel more confident and content in life. You’ll also attract people into your life who appreciate you for who you are. So don’t be afraid to be yourself – it’s the best way to live a happy and fulfilling life.”
Here are some tips for how people can become their most authentic self:
- Be true – This one seems pretty obvious, but it’s worth repeating. If there is a need to put up a front for other people, stop and ask why. Is there fear of what they’ll think? Remember, it’s okay to be different from others, and it’s okay to be honest. In fact, being different is what makes people unique and special.
- Live your life with purpose – Part of being authentic is living a life with meaning and purpose. This means doing things that bring passion and happiness. It also means being authentic in relationships and careers.
- Be confident – One of the most important things to remember when trying to be authentic is to be confident. One can’t be authentic if there constantly is doubt or second-guessing decisions.
- Don’t compare – Another thing that can hold people back from being their authentic selves is comparing to others. Maybe they think they’re not good enough or worry that other people will judge them. But the truth is that nobody is perfect, and everyone is different.
Nina concludes, “If you can’t accept yourself for who you are, it won’t be easy to be your authentic self. So take some time to get to know yourself. Learn to love all aspects of who you are, and don’t be afraid to show the world the real you.”
Business Owner, Lisa R. says: “Within four weeks my life has become more and more amazing! I am so grateful for Nina. I never felt judged I only felt genuine love. I love you, Nina. Thank you for choosing to shine your light!”
Coach and Energy Healer, Bonnie T. says: “First I want to start by saying that Nina is such a beautiful soul and she is an amazing coach and healer. I highly recommend her services. The reason that I sought her services in the first place is that I too am an energy healer and I have a business and needed some guidance to find more clients and wanted help with manifesting more income. She was very helpful with her suggestions and I felt very comfortable and safe speaking to her and sharing my heart with her. She also helped me with my husband by giving me advice on how to handle a situation and that helped a lot and the issue was resolved very quickly with her help. I felt very happy, peaceful, and hopeful at the end of the call. She is definitely worth every dollar that she charges. If you are struggling with some issue whatever it is, she can definitely help you!”
About Nina Acosta
Nina helps female entrepreneurs eliminate anxiety, stress, overwhelm, lack of self-worth, and confidence to live an authentic, unapologetic life 100% on their own terms.
Her methodology combines psychology, science, and the woo-woo. Her deepest desire is to guide others to rediscover their most authentic self.
She believes the key to creating the amazing life you desire starts with being connected to God, Source, Higher Power, the core of your purpose, and what you stand for.
Her mission is to activate women to stand in their power and claim their birthright to create a life of joy, ease, grace, and abundance.
Nina has been featured in the C-Word Magazine, Elephant Journal, the Be Ruthless Podcast, and Art for Wellness Podcast. She is a contributing author to Inspired Living and the Faces of Mental Illness, and Anxiety.
Learn More: https://transcendthelight.com/