Nina Acosta discusses how she helps her clients healthily manage their emotions.
Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network:
- What are emotional triggers? Emotional triggers are situations, people, places, or things that cause people to feel strong emotions. These triggers can be positive or negative but usually result in negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, or anxiety.
- Why do people have emotional triggers? Emotional triggers are often based on past experiences that have left a lasting impression. For example, if someone was bullied as a child, they may have developed an emotional trigger for feeling like they’re not good enough. Or, if they’ve experienced a traumatic event, they may have an emotional trigger for feeling scared or alone.
- How can people manage their emotional triggers? The first step is to identify what emotional triggers are. Once they know what their triggers are, they can start to work on managing them. This may involve working with a therapist to address the underlying issues, developing coping mechanisms for when triggered, or avoiding situations that they know will trigger them.
Emotional trigger management is an essential part of self-care and emotional wellness. One can reduce the negative impact on our life by taking the time to understand triggers and how to manage them.
Nina explained, “When it comes to our emotions, we often think of them as something that happens to us. We feel happy, sad, or angry and don’t necessarily have any control over it. However, the truth is that our emotions are very much under our control. We can choose how to react to them and even manage them so that they don’t get the best of us. One way to do this is by managing our emotional triggers. An emotional trigger is anything that sets off a negative emotion in us. It might be a specific person, a situation, or even a memory. If we’re not careful, these triggers can lead to out-of-control emotions that can ruin our day or even our lives. Fortunately, there are things we can do to manage our emotional triggers. By being aware of what sets us off and learning how to deal with our emotions in a healthy way, we can take back control of our lives. If you’re struggling to deal with your emotions, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. They can help you identify your emotional triggers and learn how to deal with them in a healthy way.”
Client Anette S. says: “Nina has a tremendous capacity to tap into shapes and signs in order to deepen the messages she gets during healing. She enthusiastically translates those same messages in a way that vibrates and resonates with the client (me). It was a great experience!”
About Nina Acosta
Nina helps female entrepreneurs eliminate anxiety, stress, overwhelm, lack of self-worth, and confidence to live an authentic, unapologetic life 100% on their own terms.
Her methodology combines psychology, science, and the woo-woo. Her deepest desire is to guide others to rediscover their most authentic self!
She believes the key to creating the amazing life you desire starts with being connected to God, Source, Higher Power, the core of your purpose, and what you stand for!
Her mission is to activate women to stand in their power and claim their birthright to create a life of joy, ease, grace, and abundance.
Nina has been featured in the C-Word Magazine, Elephant Journal, the Be Ruthless Podcast, and Art for Wellness Podcast. She is a contributing author to Inspired Living and the Faces of Mental Illness, and Anxiety.
Learn More: https://transcendthelight.com/
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