Sarah has spent many years as a writing coach, consultant, and inspirational speaker and blogger. Now, with the publication of From FEARFUL to FIERCE: A Woman’s Journey to Self-Realization, she joins a growing number of recognized leaders in the field of female empowerment. Leaders who have overcome mind-blowing odds and are using the lessons from their painful experiences for the benefits of others going through what they once did.
Why does the author offer this FREE 30-minutes session? Well, Sarah believes that everyone needs someone to lean on when embarking on the journey of self-discovery; that one person who will encourage, motivate or offer a listening ear when the road grows quiet, and your self-doubts grow loud. The author believes strongly in the principles of “One for all, and all for one”, as she calls it. She says,
“The task of knowing YOU is a significant venture. And so, achievement of any significance cannot be done in isolation. To know YOU, you must be willing to open yourself up to people and let other people open themselves up to you.
To discover YOU, you must help other people discover themselves. True knowledge is like a river rather than a lake because whatever it receives, it passes on to another.” Therefore, building your tribe (and accessing it comfortably when required) is vital
Readers of Sarah’s blog at https://bit.ly/SUGFFF will be familiar with her style and her support of followers in finding their true purpose in life. Her wisdom, wit, and compassion have been condensed into an enjoyable and readable format guaranteed to help those searching for meaning and want to achieve their dreams.
For a limited time, Sarah is also offering a free 30-minute self-discovery chat, valued at $150, to visitors to her website.
To find out more, contact her through her blog (https://bit.ly/SUGFFF) or visit her website http://sarahudohgrossfurthner.com/contact/.
About Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner: Sarah Udoh-Grossfurthner has spent most of her life helping others. From an early age, she knew she wanted to help women become their best versions of themselves. Now, she divides her time between writing, blogging and speaking, and offering personal coaching services to women with goals – especially those with ‘lofty’ goals others have assured them they can NEVER realize. “Beginning from when I was eight years old till fifteen, I was abused, bullied, called useless and stupid, and told I would ‘NEVER’ amount to anything of worth. So I know what it means to fight to overcome negative narrative. I know what it means to fight to achieve basic things most people take for granted.”
Memorable Quotes by the Author
- If you don’t know your worth, someone else will determine what you are worth.
- Inherited wealth is not a function of the intelligence of those who have it. It is a function of the happenstance of their birth.
The Author’s Other Works
BUT HE CALLS ME BLESSED! When the Unbelievable Happens to Believers (true-life stories of five ordinary every day women with extraordinary faith)
The Old Woman Who Refused to Die (about the importance of finding one’s voice, and owning it.)