10 Top Women in Business share best practices and top tips to inspire and motivate to own the next six months to end the year with abundance and success.
Marie Diamond, globally renowned, transformational Law of Attraction Master Teacher from best-selling book The Secret, reveals that a clear vision of what you wish to happen in your business and life will help to make decisions to move forward. As a Feng Shui Master, Marie’s Secret to Success: Use the environment to manifest goals and recognize that 1/3 of results are supported by your surroundings. Create space for success.
CEO & Founder of the Barbara Vercruysse Coaching Institute and #1 Top 50 Global Thought Leaders on Mental Health, Barbara Vercruysse is a brilliant leader with a huge heart who believes in becoming the best version of yourself first. Barbara has learned that generosity, authenticity, and an attitude of service allow individuals to become success magnets. Barbara’s Success Secret: Keep the passion alive and never lose sight of why you started your journey. This will enable you to remain resilient on the bumpy road of entrepreneurship.
Jeannetta Collier, Global Speaker, Transformational Business Strategist, Creator and Executive Producer, helps women turn passion into profit. It is never too late to reinvent yourself! Starting from scratch isn’t necessary; sometimes, fine-tuning can be precisely the catalyst one needs. Jeannetta’s Master Tip: Utilize automation to increase performance, leverage higher productivity and reduce operating costs.
Catherine M. White, Business Growth Strategist, works with business owners to develop processes that simplify, increase profitability, scalability, and sustainability. Catherine’s Top Tip for Success: “Stay in the game” and develop a plan. Look to those who are where you want to be and ask for guidance.
President of Hasmark Publishing International, Judy O’Beirn, has helped thousands of authors become best-sellers. Judy’s Advice for Success Seekers: Develop clarity and confidence in your business goals and build a solid dream team that will allow you to work on your business and not in your business.
Desiree Anderson, is CEO and Founder of Crest Leadership Coaching. Desiree’s Recommendation: Identify what success feels like to you, on a personal level, rather than through comparison. It is then that the subconscious mind will create emotions and feelings related to the perception of success, which will drive your actions.
Money Breakthrough Business Coach, Alex Vitillo, is a pro at providing detailed success tools to help clients reach financial abundance. Alex shares that the quickest way to make a positive, lasting impact is by leading, developing, and scaling your own business. To create balanced success in business and life is to focus on self-development, as your business will never outgrow you. Alex’s Expert Tip: Utilize the guidance of a coach as they often see things you do not see!
Lidia Kuleshnyk, Lady Apona, High-Performance and Wellness Coach helps overworked, stressed, high-achieving individuals master their inner power to resolve chronic health conditions and achieve health and wealth potential. Lidia’s Words of Wisdom: Honour and value yourself! Know and believe in your vision. When you truly learn the magic of this, the doors of abundance will fling wide open and it will be life-changing.
Beata Bikowska, Personal Brand Creator and Mental Wellbeing Strategist, helps professionals package their skills and knowledge and turn them into new brands and businesses. She believes that branding is an authentic way to show personality and be presented as an expert in one’s field. Beata’s Advice: To build a successful personal brand, be visible, consistent, and stand out as an authority.
Angela Soong is ‘The Wealth Woman.’ She is a property developer, investor, property host, the Global Woman Club Birmingham Director, serial entrepreneur, author, educator, and hypnotherapist in RTT. Angela knows that what is focused on appears. Many wonder why they still experience a ‘lack of’ when they study ‘attraction’ methodologies. The answer lies within one’s feelings. “In the fight between logic and feelings, feelings always win.” Angela’s Success Formula: Utilizing Rapid Transformational Hypno-Therapy to reprogram the belief/feeling to create ultimate success. Energy and vibrational frequency emitted to the world change and activate the attraction law. Choose words wisely – make them positive and empowering!