Christian Care Ministry/ Medi-Share’s Acts2Speak Toastmaster’s club was awarded the Toastmaster’s International Corporate Award for enhancing employee engagement. Toastmasters International is a worldwide nonprofit educational organization that empowers individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Christian Care Ministry/ Medi-Share offers Toastmasters as a benefit of employment and as a way to promote professional development. District 84 is made up of over 100 clubs. Only two were given this distinction.
“I have always felt that good communication is what differentiates those who advance within their organizations or their profession vs. those who don’t,” said Scott Reddig, Christian Care Ministry CEO. “You can be great at your job, but if you can’t explain to others what you do or what you are proposing, it limits your effectiveness. I encourage all our employees to take advantage of Toastmasters. It undoubtedly can help your career.”
“When I was elected club president in the middle of a pandemic, I knew it would be challenging as our employees were all working remotely at the time. But being surrounded by a team of strong club officers and with the continued support from the leaders in our organization, we have been able to not just sustain our club, but thrive by adding new members,” says Rebecca Barrack, Acts2Speak Club President and Asst. Manager of Communications at Christian Care Ministry.
Headquartered in Englewood, Colo., Toastmaster’s International membership exceeds 357,000 in more than 16,600 clubs in 143 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders.
“It’s an honor and a privilege to present the Toastmasters Corporate Club Recognition Award to Christian Care Ministry. Having a Toastmasters Club onsite shows how much the company values their employee’s Leadership and the development of their Communication Skills. The club has demonstrated exemplary service to their members in meeting the goals of Toastmasters,” states District 84 Director Pim Parpart, DTMTo learn more about Toastmaster’s International go to https://www.toastmasters.org/
To learn more about Medi-Share go to https://www.medishare.com
About Christian Care Ministry/ Medi-Share: Christian Care Ministry (CCM), a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, based in Melbourne, FL, operates the Medi-Share program, a Christian health care sharing program that provides an affordable alternative to health insurance for faith-based consumers. Founded in 1993, Medi-Share currently serves over 400,000 members across America.