Victoria Mavis – How To Use Mind Power to Create The Life of Your Dreams

Victoria Mavis is a professional magician & speaker. She started doing magic at the age of 4 and got through performing mentalism on stage into the field of “mind magic” – how to use mind power to create the life of our dreams and develop the magician ́s mindset. She is now a podcast host of “PURE MIND MAGIC” and wrote the book “How podcasting can change your life”.

To find out more about Victoria see links below:

Her book on Amazon:

listen to PURE MIND MAGIC Podcast

T. Allen Hanes

#1 Best Selling Author, International Speaker. T. Allen Hanes is long a time entrepreneur and business contributor for Small Business Trendsetters, CNN iReport, USA Today. He is also the founder of The Authority Syndicate Group and Educator and Advocates for small business. He has traveled the world educating audiences.