Welcome and Congratulations on becoming part of the WCKG Radio Family!
We just need to collect some info to get your show loaded into our On Demand Show library. You’ll also receive this message in your email shortly.
Please send the following information to support@authorityalchemy.com with the subject line “My WCKG Podcast On Demand”.
- Host Name – Exactly as you would like it to be listed as host on WCKGRadio.com
- Show Name
- Link to your current show page (your website / iTunes / Stitcher etc….
- Host Bio – Short 200-300 word “about the host” information.
- Host Photo – Preferably a headshot at least 400×400 image
- Show Art – Logos, banners, cover art you currently use for your show.
- RSS Feed – This would be the feed you submitted to iTunes. If you aren’t sure what this is, we’ll see if we can locate it for you.
Send as much as this information as possible to support@athorityalchemy.com with the subject line “My WCKG Podcast On Demand” and we’ll get started setting up your show. We’ll follow up with any additional info we may need and please feel free to send any questions you may have.
Once again, Welcome and Congratulations for coming aboard.
Brian Horn & Jack Mize - Authority Alchemy
Matt Dubiel - Owner WCKG Radio