Christopher Babson: How to Be a More Powerful and Productive Leader

Chris dropped out of school and left an abusive home at age fourteen, headed for a drug clinic. In his 20’s, he appeared in Critically Acclaimed Plays, films and in a #1 TV show. At twenty-nine he left acting to get an education, achieving his BA and MBA in Top-20 universities. Next, he became a Fortune-5 Vice President in Jack Welch’s GE developing alliances with Fortune-2,000 CFO’s in the $5-million to $500-million range. He left the corporate world to found his first company, which he sold a few years later. Today, Chris teaches and speaks about Leadership and Peak Performance at UCLA and in the corporate market.

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RALPH BROGDEN is a best-selling author, publisher, and radio host. He is a specialist in strategic communications with a professional and educational background in marketing, psychology and publishing. His work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, USA Today, The Huffington Post and hundreds of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.