Jordan Hemsley: How to Break Out of Your Box and Find Your Life’s Purpose

Jordan is the founder and creator of the Break Out Summit – a day-long event in Salt Lake City to help you break out of your box and develop confidence and determination in your life. She is an expert in loving and finding your true self and potential, and guiding you to find and truly begin to love who you are, and what you’re meant to do. Jordan’s mission is to help women (and men) all over connect to their inner selves and find their life’s purpose so they can finally start living their vision for who they are meant to be.

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RALPH BROGDEN is a best-selling author, publisher, and radio host. He is a specialist in strategic communications with a professional and educational background in marketing, psychology and publishing. His work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, USA Today, The Huffington Post and hundreds of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.