Nic Peterson: How to Build a Business That Facilitates Your Life Without Violating Your Values

Nic is an extraordinarily talented individual who loves to look forward, strategize, learn, teach, connect, and develop relationships. His role is in developing and investing in win-win relationships between Mastery Mode, its prospects, clients, and partners. With his experience in both offline and online businesses, he loves to share the core principles that make himself and our team successful. He does this from a unique point of view and delivers content that you can apply today to make your business better.

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RALPH BROGDEN is a best-selling author, publisher, and radio host. He is a specialist in strategic communications with a professional and educational background in marketing, psychology and publishing. His work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, USA Today, The Huffington Post and hundreds of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.